Sunday 10 June 2012

A long time coming...

How exciting, my very first post!

This first post has in actual fact been waiting to be written for many months now. My attention was first drawn to the true wonders of blogging only this time last year; of course, I was aware that it had become something of an internet phenomenon many years ago (who hasn't read Belle de Jour?!), but it was only when my now soon-to-be-hubby proposed last year that the online glut of wedding paraphernalia led to my personal discovery of a whole world of wonderful blogs, wedding-related or otherwise.

Since that time, aside from delving into an array of compelling, and some very successful blogs, I have been keeping a journal. It is a beautiful, though now somewhat grubby around the egdes, orange Paperchase tome, which I have been sporadically filling over the past year with thoughts, ideas, quotes, lyrics, pretty pictures, things I have bought/would like to purchase etc, etc, and I have taken great pleasure in so doing. However, I've been increasingly tempted to share some of these, what I consider to be lovely things with the rest of the world, if indeed anyone cares to read about them!

So do please excuse me while I find my feet, and I very much hope you will enjoy what I find to share...

pp (petite pie) x

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